17th December 2019, 12:08A.M.
Hello. 久々だね。I told myself that this week gonna be productive by reducing screen time for smartphone and planning to peek a bit my Japanese language grammar book but ended up renovate my blog and currently typing for my lovely dusty blog. Since it's been awhile, I said to myself "why not?" and jangjang! wwww
I noticed that I've been very lazy even to focus in class. It's different from before. I used to be one of the diligent girls (lmao) but now I always found myself lying on bed; scrolling Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and all those stuffs. It's not that it's a wrong thing but still as a Nazira, I feel a bit disappointed with myself. Where's the old me? I want her back!
My favorite quotes by my korean crush, CB97.
The worrisome of myself doesn't stop at that point. 2019 had me almost insane too (wuuu that hyperbola, metaphors) because of my brand new chapter in my life. I learnt a lot of lessons for my 2 decades life. Being a foreign student in Japan is hard. That's what I can conclude for my 2019 life, so far.
I can't deny how beautiful and unique Japan is; 4 seasons which I have never experienced them before this. Sakura? Momiji? Yes, it's fascinating! I can't wait to see my first snow too. Alhamdulillah, I know I should be very grateful for all of the great things that happened in my life.
The problem is Language.Barrier. and Being.A.Girl.In.Engineering.. Hmm hmm hmm... Firstly, to be honest, before this I can say that my Japanese language skill is quite ok. We talked a lot during classes with sensei; kaiwa thing, discussion, saikoro talk and so much more. But when it comes to talking with the real Japanese people... (except my sensei during my diploma study)
I lose like almost all of my confidence. Poof! Vanished into thin air. Only silence. I even lose my Malay vocab too! *bawling* That's when I realized that I'm going to be insane if I keep these unchanged. Secondly, being a foreign student in class with whole of Japanese people in it. And the worst case is, you're a girl but like 95% of the class are boys. :((

I know I shouldn't make any ridiculous nonsense excuses. I'm currently trying and hoping for the best to end my decade. 頑張ります。All I can say, I'm grateful to have small circle that I can depend to. I will work harder to my 2020. Yosh!
I will be back. I will not saying bye to 2019 because it's not ended yet so. 10 days left before my special day and I'll be waving a goodbye to 2019. Also, I will be spending my 2019 by visiting Okinawa. I hope everything will be fine, Amiinn!
See ya! Adios.