Yeah i'm not going to describe about that here.
Just wanna share my favorite lyrics i've found/read/listened.
1st - ''Who are you to tell me what I don't deserve?''
2nd -''Yeah, she's got life in her veins.
She don't need no rescue and she's okay.''
3rd - ''Somebody will always understand
Somebody will always care
You didn't really play your part wellSomebody will always care
I'll find someone who can
Somebody is gonna love me
And I'm gonna love them back
You didn't really play your part well
I'll find someone who can''
4th - ''Know that I can't go on another day
Don't let all the colors fade away''
Okay okay. Terover excited sampai banyak pulak aku copy paste. Fallen for all of this songs. Kalau rasa nak try dengar, copy ctrl + c lepas tu paste kat google. *evil laugh* Alright see you guys soon!
Xoxo, winny berkasut bum. -_-
Bersyukur beats tak ori ni masih boleh guna. Kuikuikui~